Bang on Can All-Stars perform Road Trip in Bogotá, Columbia

Thursday, February 23, 20237:30pm

Bang on a Can All-Stars perform ROAD TRIP, by Michael Gordon, David Lang, and Julia Wolfe.

“30 years ago, three young composers, Michael Gordon, David Lang, and Julia Wolfe started a journey together, and they called that journey “Bang on a Can.” After hundreds of thousands of miles and hundreds of new pieces, records, productions, marathons and summer festivals, they’re still best of friends – on the road together, sharing the journey. The electric Bang on a Can All-Stars power it up. Director Michael Counts and scenic designer Deborah Johnson (aka CandyStations) create an immersive landscape. Road Trip takes us on a cross country trek – celebrating the freedom and mystery of the open road.  Dirt road, country road, two lane blacktop, superhighway.  Destination unknown. Maybe even unknowable.”


  • Violin/Brooklyn
  • Triple A
  • Wind in my hair
  • Interstate
  • Plains
  • We are driving
  • Under the stars
  • Moose Unseen
  • Arrival