Wu Man
Nicole Mitchell: A Much Deserved Ass Whooping (world premiere) performed by Ken Thomson
Dobrinka Tabakova: Simple Prayer for Complex Times (world premiere) performed by Vicky Chow
Missy Mazzoli: Vespers for Violin performed by Olivia de Prato
Teddy Abrams: Can’t Stop the Revolution (world premiere)
Fjóla Evans: Eggshell (world premiere) performed by Kendall Williams
Shara Nova: Hidden in Plain Sight (world premiere)
Brad Lubman: can you make a prayer (world premiere) performed by Lauren Radnofsky
Leyla McCalla
Jacob Cooper: Expiation (edit) performed by Jodie Landau
Kaki King
Scott Wollschleger: Tiny Oblivion performed by Karl Larson
Rajna Swaminathan: Consilience (world premiere)
Nick Dunston: Fainting is Down, Whooshing Is Up (world premiere) performed by Robert Black
Phil Kline: the best words performed by Theo Bleckmann w/ Todd Reynolds & Dan Tepfer
Marcos Balter: …and also a fountain performed by Rebekah Heller
Oliver Lake
Annea Lockwood: RCSC performed by Sarah Cahill
Paola Prestini: From the Bones to the Fossils performed by Jeffrey Zeigler
Craig Taborn
Annika Socolofsky: Bolder (world premiere) performed by Arlen Hlusko
Samson Young: Super Dark Energy (world premiere) performed by David Cossin
György Ligeti: The Devil’s Staircase performed by Jeremy Denk
Bang on a Can’s 3rd online Marathon features 6 hours of nonconformist, noncommercial, boundary-smashing music. We kick off at 3pm with the singular and extraordinary Wu Man, one of the world’s foremost Pipa players and close off with György Ligeti’s diabolical etude The Devil’s Staircase, performed by piano superstar Jeremy Denk. Don’t miss a rare solo performance by jazz legend Oliver Lake, and 11 world premieres commissioned especially for the day! The Marathon will be hosted by Michael Gordon, David Lang, and Julia Wolfe.