Julia Wolfe – May 25-27 Her Story – June 1-3 unEarth (world premiere)

Julia Wolfe is on a roll! 2 major performances are coming right up.

May 25-27, Her Story comes to San Francisco

Her Story, performed by the Lorelei Ensemble and the SF Symphony captures the passion and perseverance of women who have led the fight for representation and gender equality. A 40-minute theatrical experience, the piece is the latest in a series of compositions by Wolfe that highlights monumental and turbulent moments in American history.

Her Story – more info and tickets

June 1-3, the NYPhil premieres Julia’s new work unEarth

unEarth “digs deep into the stories and science of our planet — looking at forced migrations, adaptations, species land loss, and changing seas … singing our fears and hoping for a way forward.”

unEarth – more info and tickets