Bang on a Can 2016 Summer Marathon Live Stream
We are streaming the Bang on a Can Summer Marathon @ MASS MoCA
Live on this page from 4 to 10pm on Saturday, July 30, 2016
Bang on a Can Summer Mixtape For a Warm-up!
The Live Stream of the 2016 Bang on a Can Summer Marathon is produced and supported by Little Dog Live. Longtime Bang on a Can Sound Engineer Jody Elff developed the hardware and platform for just this sort of purpose. We can’t recommend Jody and his company enough.
Little Dog Live has grown out of a desire to make live streaming and documentation of any event both affordable and high quality, something which has been previously unavailable. The project was born out of frustration at seeing YouTube videos of amazing musical performances presented in inferior quality video and audio, and the desire to create a system that might allow those artists to have access to video and audio quality that reflects the caliber of the work itself. Whether streamed live as the event is happening, or archived and presented for future viewing, artists can now take advantage of broadcast-quality presentations of their work at a reasonable price point.